SEO Packages | How much does it cost?
I’m not going to waste your time, I know why you’re here. You want to see my SEO packages and costs. The rest of this information is important, but if you’re aching to see what you came for, just skip to this section.
Scenario: You come to me and say “I need a website for my business”. I say “Ok sure, do you want some SEO fries with that?”. You say “What?”. I say “er… Nothing. Would you be interested in SEO marketing services for your website?”, then you say “No thanks. Just the website.”
The results of this scenario are as follows: I’ll design and build you a very nice website that likely no-one will see. Yes, websites are important and can convince potential customers to buy from you or use your services, but without some form of educated marketing, your website won’t appear in front of your potential customers!
Admittedly, I’m partly to blame in this scenario because I did not explain to you why SEO marketing is so crucial to the success of your website. So, let’s fix that…

What is SEO?
It’s a reasonable question. Unfortunately, I find that the result of Googling “What is SEO?” usually just ends up confusing more than clarifying. This might explain why the second (sadder) result under “People also ask” for this question is “What is SEO for dummies?” followed by similar variations.
There’s a reason why it’s not the easiest thing to explain and it’s the same reason that it’s not the easiest thing to achieve: There’s a lot to it, the rules are constantly changing, and it’s chock-full of terms that make your brain switch to auto-pilot. If you’re still interested, here’s my attempt…
This is all you really want to know: Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving the structure and content of your website in a way that will get it shown at the top of Google (or other search engines, I suppose). To put it in even more basic terms: You want to be found on Google => you need SEO!
How do I improve search rankings on my site?
Organic search is all about specific keywords. Before, I said that improving your search strategy is all about getting you to the top of Google. Unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as that.
The first thing you need to do is determine what are the best keywords to target in order to bring you good results. For example, if you’re starting a new real estate business and you want to rank #1 on Google every time someone searches “real estate”, that’s going to be an uphill battle that likely can’t be won, as there will be so much competition surrounding it.
So you need to go deeper and find keywords that fit a narrower niche or target your local area, while still representing your business. With my SEO package, along with my other digital marketing packages, I’ll do the research for you to find your most relevant keywords.
From here, we can build your online presence, gain more keywords and grow your business’ digital reputation.
Why should you choose me?
You shouldn’t. If I could be a bit reductive about the whole thing for a second, the best and cheapest (sort of) option available to you is to work on your website’s optimisation yourself. If you have the time to devote to it, theoretically you can get your site to the top of Google all by yourself and all for free. This is where the “reductive” comes in.
Time is the factor in your way here. To achieve your goals here you need to research how to do it and then implement it on an ongoing basis and it’s not a quick process.
So, if want to focus your time on your actual business, an SEO expert is recommended.
Why choose me? I’m upfront, I’ve got over 10 years of experience in this industry and I provide a full service from the beginning, including web design, development & content creation. With all this as part of my digital marketing package, I’ll have all the details of how to improve your online presence.
Need more proof? You found this page, didn’t you? I must be doing something right.
My SEO Package
My SEO package is something optional that can come with me building your website, but it is very likely to be recommended given the information provided above.
I don’t offer the this package unless I have built your website and written the copy. This isn’t something to do by half measures. If you want the results, we have to build together from the ground up.
Once your site has been built, my ongoing SEO package is £500 per month and will keep you ranking higher than your competitors, building trust with your customers/clients and, most importantly, bringing in conversions for your website.
Let’s get your business working the way it should.